Archive for the ‘General Chat’

My trip to Cork

October 04, 2009 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Roisin and I had a wonderful trip to Cork on Thursday and Friday.

First up was Mayfield library where we met the charming girls from Gardiner’s Hill.

Next, I went to Ballincollig, where a huge crowd of girls from the local National School listened intently, and then blew me away with the intelligence of their questions. I hear there were pictures of this event in Saturday’s Evening Echo, but haven’t seen them yet – unfortunately I don’t live in Echoland.

On Friday, first stop was the City Library in Grand Parade and the girls from Christ the King secondary –  a lovely group.

Moving quickly along, we went to the secondary school in Ballyphehane. We were tiring now, but our interested audience inspired us, and kept us going.

Last stop was Douglas library and the girls from Regina Mundi. They made me proud to say that it was my old school. Special mention has to go to the girls from Our Lady of Lourdes in Ballinlough, and St Columba’s in Douglas, who came along on their day off!

Roisin and I got a great welcome everywhere we went. The library staff, the teachers, and of course  the pupils made our trip to Cork a huge success. Thank you all so much!

This is Patricia, Roisin, Catherine and me in the City Library in Grand Parade, Cork.Patricia, Roisin, Catherine and me in the City Library

Events for October

September 29, 2009 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Lots planned for October, but I’m just going to list the first few events, and will update again next week.

On Thursday (October 1st) I’m off to Cork, where I’m in Mayfield Library at 11.00 and Ballincollig library at 12.45.

On Friday (October 2nd) I’ll be in Grand Parade Library at 10, Tory Top library at 11.15 and Douglas Library at 12.30.

(At 1.30 I’m having lunch with friends who will have to do all the talking as I’ll be too tired to open my mouth!)

For my Cork events (except for Ballincollig) I’ll be with my friend and co-author, Roisin Meaney. Roisin wrote See If I Care with me, and Don’t Even Think About It, all on her own. She’s also written heaps of novels for adults.

It’s back home on Friday night and on Saturday I’m off to the Bubblegum Book  Bash in Dun Laoghaire – that’s going to be a great event so be sure to check it out on my earlier post.

Enjoying the Sunshine

September 25, 2009 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat



Isn’t this lovely weather? The great thing about being a writer, is that I can relax in my garden, and pretend that I’m thinking about my next book. Domino is enjoying the sunshine too. This is her trying to decide what to read next.

Bubblegum book lunch!!!

September 17, 2009 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

I’m very much looking forward to the Bubblegum Club Book Bash in Dun Laoghaire on Saturday October 3rd. It’s a great opportunity to meet and chat w ith all your favourite authors –  Sarah Rees Brennan, Marita Conlon McKenna, Don Conroy, Maeve Friel, Claire Hennessy, Celine Kiernan, Derek Landy, David Maybury, Roisin Meaney, Jane Mitchell, Joe O’Brien, Sarah Webb…….and me!

It’s all in aid of a really good cause and it’s going to be great fun. There will be lunch, talks, raffles and goodie bags. There will be lots of time to meet everyone, so don’t forget your cameras.

 Details are on

Be sure to get a ticket before it’s too late.

Huge thanks to Sarah Webb for organising this, (and for asking me to join in.)


Mountains to The Sea Festival

September 10, 2009 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

I’m very much looking forward to this Saturday, (Sept 12th) when I’ll be speaking at the Mountains To The Sea Book Festival.  The event is on in The People’s Park in Dun Laoghaire. (I’ll be speaking at 1.50.) There’s a great line-up of writers and entertainers and the weather forecast is good, so it should be a wonderful day.

Get all details on