Archive for the ‘General Chat’


February 17, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Hope everyone is having a lovely mid-term. I’ve been very busy writing over the past few weeks, so haven’t had much time for posting. I have a few different writing projects on the go  – all top-secret for the moment! Watch this space for more details.

Am also planning some readings around World Book Day at the beginning of March. No exact dates or times yet, but I hope to be in Limerick, Galway, and perhaps Dublin.

It’s the First Day of Spring!

February 01, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

There’s always a lot of argument about whether spring begins on February 1st or March 1st. I have no idea which is right, but after such a long cold winter, this year I’m with the February people. (And I’m going to ignore the fact that my car was covered with ice this morning) (more…)

It’s January!

January 14, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Hi again.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas – free of floods, blizzards, ice-storms and water shortages. (And if you did, please let me know whereabouts you live, as we had all of those where I was!)

Anyway, it was nice to have an excuse to sit around the fire reading some of the great books I got for Christmas. If I read very fast, I just might get finished before it’s time to start penning next Christmas’s wish-list.

Happy Christmas

December 22, 2009 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat



I hope you all have a wonderful, happy and peaceful Christmas.

Visit To Regional Hospital School

November 25, 2009 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat


Last week I was invited to visit the school in Limerick Regional Hospital. Being in hospital can’t be much fun, but having such a lovely school there must help a bit.

I had a great time there, just chatting about books and writing. A big hello to Margaret, Mary, Molly, Ciara and Lauren. Hi also to the kids who were unfortunately too sick to come to the classroom that day. Hope you’re all feeling much better soon!