Archive for the ‘General Chat’

Croagh NS

March 27, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

On Wednesday I went to Croagh NS in County Limerick. The screaming sound coming from the building made me very nervous before I realised that it was my excited audience, and not the victims of a terrible accident.

All the pupils from 2nd to 6th class came to the hall for my talk, and we had a great time. Afterwards I had delicious tea and chocolate cake with the teachers.

Big thanks to everyone for their participation, and extra-big thanks to Brid for setting it all up.

Not sure if the sign was put up especially for me, but......

Mother and Daughter Book Club

March 23, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Last week I was invited to visit a mother and daughter book club, and I was very happy to accept.  The idea of a book club for mums and their daughters is a brilliant one, and I was dying to see how it worked.

I received a lovely warm welcome, and was given  lemonade and cake. ( I was very, very sorry that I’d just had my dinner and couldn’t do full justice to the delicious-looking goodies on offer)

The girls had all read Alice to the Rescue, and had heaps of interesting questions. There was lots of discussion of the kinds of books that the girls like, and I left with lots of tips for future novels.

I also left with a huge bunch of flowers – unnecessary of course, but very much appreciated.

Thanks Patricia for inviting me!

The beautiful flowers the mums and daughters gave me

World book Day in Limerick

March 10, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Limerick in the Sunshine

 It was lovely to celebrate World Book Day in Limerick – I haven’t done that for a while.

Once again, O’Mahony’s organised a great event. Six great schools were invited, and despite the crowds, I think everyone had a good time – well, I did anyway!

Well done to all the schools who went to the trouble of hiring buses, and travelling long distances for the event.

Special mention has to go to Abby and Jenny who escaped from school and came all the way in from Shannon to see me – thanks girls.

Thanks also to the great staff in O’Mahony’s who made me feel very welcome. Roll on next year!

My Trip To Galway

March 06, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Stock Image - historic galway  hooker, near the  spanish arch,  galway city, ireland.  fotosearch - search  stock photos,  pictures, images,  and photo clipart

I had a great trip to Dubray books in Galway this week. It was my first book event since last year, and it was lovely to meet readers again. A wonderful group attended. Big thanks to Mary Esther and Matthew for arranging everything so well.

I had planned to visit Hughes and Hughes too, but of course that didn’t happen. Am so sorry for everyone who has lost their jobs as a result of the Hughes and Hughes closure. I’ve done lots of events in Hughes and Hughes shops over the years, and have always received a wonderful welcome.

The lovely dispaly of my books in Dubray Galway (Thanks, Mary)

Events for March

February 24, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

O'Mahony's Shop Front on O'Connell Street, Limerick

I’ve been very busy writing lately, but now it’s great to be able to announce my first book events of 2010:

On Wednesday March 3rd, I’ll be doing a reading in Dubray Books, Galway at 11.30.

Later the same day, (1.30) I’ll be reading in Hughes and Hughes, in the Galway Shopping Centre.

In between, I hope to drop into Eason’s to sign some copies of my books.

Thursday March 4th is World Book Day. (Yippee!!)

I’ll be celebrating by visiting O’Mahony’s Bookshop in Limerick. I’ll be reading at 9.30 and 11.30.

Hope to see lots of you at these events.