St Philomena’s
I had a wonderful trip to St Philomena’s School in Limerick recently. My daughter went to Montessori here, so it was lovely to go back for a visit. Big thanks to Margaret for setting it up for me.
I had a wonderful trip to St Philomena’s School in Limerick recently. My daughter went to Montessori here, so it was lovely to go back for a visit. Big thanks to Margaret for setting it up for me.
On Sunday the Great Limerick run was held in Limerick. It was part of Riverfest, and a huge success. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take part in the run – maybe next year.
I did battle throught the crowds though. I made it to Eason’s where Marisa Mackle and Rosanna Davison were signing copies of their new book – The Girl in the Yellow Dress. Marisa and Rosanna were wearing yellow for the occasion, so I clashed a bit in my shades of blue and green, Anyway, it was lovely to see them, and I hope they have great success with their exciting new venture.
I had a great trip to Leixlip and Celbridge today. Both libraries are lovely – with big rooms and heaps of space for the big crowds that showed up. It was lovely to meet you all.
There were loads of interesting questions but the best has to be one I was asked in Celbridge – Do you feel an emotional attachment to Megan and Alice?
It might be a bit sad, but the answer was a resounding yes – I know Alice and Megan aren’t real, but they are still very close to my heart!
I had a lovely trip down memory lane when I visited my old school of Eglantine in Cork yesterday. The school looks completely different, as the building I was in was knocked down many years ago. I’m happy to say that the uniform hasn’t changed though – it’s just the same as when I was there, way back in 19??
I met all the girls from fourth and fifth classes – great readers and great for asking questions.
Hi to everyone, and big thanks to Mrs Garvey for arranging everything.