Archive for the ‘General Chat’


May 16, 2011 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

For me, the scariest part of being a writer is deciding what to write next. That’s why I love writing sequels. When you are writing a sequel, the characters are like old friends, and it’s fun getting to know them again.

I’m very happy at the moment, as I’m writing two sequels. The first is called Eva’s Holiday and (you guessed it) it’s the sequel to Eva’s Journey. I don’t want to give away too many details at the moment, but I hope it will be as popular as the first book in the series.

Eva’s Holiday will be out at the end of August.

 Keep watching for news on the other sequel I’m writing.

Here’s a picture of a great display of my books in Dubray Bookshop recently:


May 01, 2011 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Today is the big launch of the fantastic new website girls♥books and I’m very happy to be a part of it.



It’s the brainchild of the incredible Jo Cotterill. She had the brilliant idea of getting lots of writers together in one big website, where we can blog and read each others news. What we have in common is that we all write books aimed at girls aged 8 up to teens. Every single day there’s going to be a new blog post by one of the many writers involved.

So what are you still doing here?????

Go to and check it out.

Read all about The Time Spell

April 20, 2011 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat


Today there was a lovely article in The Irish Examiner about The Time Spell. You can read it here:

The Time Spell was also mentioned on Ryan Tubridy’s show this morning. Last week it was on a great Arts show (Arts Extra) on BBC Radio Ulster.

Writing my books is what I like to do most, but my job doesn’t begin and end with writing. Without all the journalists who are kind enough to mention my books, no-one would know they are out there, and my career would come to a sudden halt. So big thanks to everyone who has helped with publicity for The Time Spell – I couldn’t do it without you!


Time Spell Tour

April 06, 2011 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Yesterday I did a mini-tour to celebrate the publication of The Time Spell.

First it was TV3 for an interview with Mark on Ireland AM. It was good fun. I always enjoy TV events , as I love the buzz and activity in the studio.

After that, I did lots of signings. I visited Eason and Argosy warehouses, and Hodges Figgis and Dubray Books  in the city centre. Thanks to everyone for the great welcome, and the frequent coffee to keep me going.

Judi Curtin

Finally it was off to RTE for an interview with Colm, for the Junior show on RTE Digital.

Whew! a busy, but very enjoyable day.

If you’d like to watch the TV clip (I always watch myself through half-closed fingers), the link is here:

THE TIME SPELL has landed

March 31, 2011 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

I was so proud and happy when I got my hands on the first copy of The Time Spell. The publishers have done an amazing job on the cover, and I think it looks great.

This book is a big change for me, as it’s a bit different to my other books.  However, I’m hoping that fans of Alice, Megan and Eva will like my new heroine Lauren and her best friend Tilly just as much.

Product Details


The Time Spell will be in the shops next week, and I can’t wait!