Archive for the ‘General Chat’

Taking a Break

June 18, 2012 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

I love doing book events. They’re a great opportunity to meet young readers, and I always come away feeling good about my writing. I also get to meet other writers, and there’s often a nice lunch too! I’ve been really busy in the past few weeks. I’ve been to Abbeyfest, and Cologne and Dalkey Book Festival, as well as a few schools and bookshops.

Here I am in Cologne with Eirian, my lovely interpreter.


So now I’m taking a (well-earned) break for the summer. I’m going to catch up with my editing, and hope to finish Leave it to Eva and the third Friends Forever book. I’m also going to organise my writing files, work in my garden, and if the sun ever shines, I’m going to run outside and lie down with a good book.


Another picture from Cologne


And then, when September rolls around, I’ll be perfectly refreshed and ready for the Mountains to Sea Festival. Looking forward to it already!

Now where will I go?

May 18, 2012 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Anyone who knows me will happily testify that I struggle with decisions. Now though, I’m at a happy crossroads, and I quite like being here. I’m almost finished my next two books – Leave it to Eva, and the (as yet unnamed) third book in the Friends Forever series. As soon as these are done and dusted, I have to decide what to do next. I know just how lucky I am to be in this position, so I plan to enjoy this time. These are some of the possibilities running through my head:

Will I

  • write a fourth book in one of the series I’m working on at the moment?
  • start something new completely, but for the same audience?
  • try my hand at a picture book? (only the text part, as I’m afraid my drawing skills aren’t great)
  • write a book for teenagers? – (I’ve been living with three of them for the past nine years, so I have plenty of ideas)
  • dust down the fourth adult book that I put aside ‘for a few months’ when I was writing Alice Next Door, but never quite got back to?
  • go back to an old series (mentioning no names) and reacquaint myself with some dear old friends?
  • See if there’s still time to audition for this year’s X-factor?
Decisions, decisions. Now I’m going to turn off my computer and wallow in them for a while!

















Alice in Australia

April 20, 2012 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat













The postman brought me a lovely surprise today – these beautiful copies of Alice Next Door and Alice Again. I’ve always loved the original Irish covers, but have to say that these are really great too.

They’re being released in Australia this week – the first of my books to make it there. I’m hoping that Australian readers will like them, and then, maybe one day, I can be like Jeff Kinney, and do a reading in Sydney Opera House!!

While I’m waiting (and dreaming) though, I have plenty to do. Today I hope to put the finishing touches on Leave it to Eva – the third in the Eva series. As soon as that’s done, I’m going to prepare my speech and props for my trip to the Cuirt Literary Festival in Galway next week.

Then, when all that’s done, it’ll be the weekend, and I can sit back and read a good book – I can’t wait!













A Trip to Cork

April 09, 2012 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

This is what happened when I visited Cork recently:


I wrote my first children’s book in 2005, and since then, I’ve done heaps of school visits.  I always spend a lot of time preparing for my visit, and I like to think that the schools do likewise. The reality, though, is that the amount of school preparation varies wildly. I’ve been greeted with everything from bemused looks – (‘Oh, is today the day of your visit?’) to having the pupils waiting with baskets of rose petals to scatter on my path as I walked to the assembly hall. Last week’s visit to North Presentation School in Cork was pretty much perfect.

My book, ‘The Time Spell’ is set on the Titanic, and all the first-years had studied it as part of a ‘one book one community’ project. This meant that the book and the topic were studied in every class from English, to history to art to geography, and more besides. When I walked into the hall, I was actually rendered speechless. This is what met me:

A nautical-themed table, complete with ‘Titanic’ and seashells.

The school choir and band, playing and singing the theme music from the Titanic film.

Geography projects.

History projects.

Art work.


These totally cute ship and cat-shaped books. I still can’t figure out quite how I feel about the fact that one girl cut up her coat (!!) to get fur to decorate the cat books, but I think I’m flattered.

The girls had loads of searching thoughtful questions to ask, and the teachers made it clear that they were thoroughly enjoying the whole venture. Like I said in the beginning – just about perfect!

Spring is Here

March 13, 2012 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat



I don’t care what the calendar says, spring only arrived in my garden this morning. It’s absolutely beautiful, and I was very tempted to spend the whole day outside.

Only trouble is, I’m supposed to be writing two (!!!) books at the moment. I’m alternating between ‘Leave it to Eva,’ and the as-yet-unnamed third book in the Friends Forever series. So I made a deal with myself. Every hour, as a reward for hard work, I allowed myself fifteen minutes outside in the sunshine. I got lots of writing and  gardening and everyone (ie me) is happy.