Archive for the ‘General Chat’

The Mystery tour on Elev8

May 24, 2013 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat



I’m always nervous about seeing myself on TV. I fret about whether my hair is OK, or if my lipstick is smudged – (you’ve got to wear lipstick for the cameras!) Then I worry if I talked too much, or not enough, or just the right amount, but it was all rubbish.

Have to say I love this clip from the book club on Elev8, though. I don’t cringe too much at what I said, and the four girls were brilliant – smiley and chatty and perfectly natural. I could learn a lot from them!

Here’s the link. The Book club is at 9.51 mins

Elev8 has bookclub every Thursday, and it’s always great – be sure to tune in!

A day in Dublin

May 08, 2013 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Yesterday, I had a really lovely day in Dublin.



First I went to Mount Anville Junior school, to visit their amazing library, and chat to the girls from third and fourth classes. I was really impressed with the questions I was asked, and the enthusiasm the pupils showed for my books. The library was decorated with great posters about me and my books, and I was even allowed to bring some of them home!







Big thanks to the teachers, and to Nuala and Gabrielle (the lovely librarian) who arranged my visit.



After Mount Anville, I went on to Collins Barracks, where I was filming with Diana and the great crew from RTE’s Elev8. Four charming girls, Sophie, Susie, Tara and Ella read ‘The Mystery Tour’ as part of the Elev8 bookclub, and we had great fun chatting about it. In fact, even after the cameras stopped rolling, we kept on talking, and I reluctantly finished up when it was time to catch my train home. The girls weren’t allowed to vote on my book until after I left, so fingers crossed for a good result!

The Elev8 Mystery Tour piece will be broadcast on May 16th.


It’s Domino Again

May 01, 2013 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

Hi everyone.

Sorry I haven’t been here for a while – it’s been so long, I’ve almost forgotten how to type, and it’s hurting my paws a bit. I’ll have to lick them extra-carefully before bed tonight.

The trouble is, Judi’s very possessive with her computer these days. When the other humans come home, she says she’s spent the day working, and they believe her – the fools!  Every time I look over her shoulder she’s lurking on Facebook, looking at pictures of stupid kittens who aren’t me, and aren’t even cute.

Here’s a picture of me when I was a baby – now that’s what I call cute!


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The Mystery Tour

April 10, 2013 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

The Mystery Tour - out now!

The Mystery Tour – out now!

I’m really happy that The Mystery Tour has finally hit the shelves.

I had great fun writing and researching this one. Lauren and Tilly go to London. There’s no time for sightseeing or shopping though, as it’s 1939 and World War Two has just started. The girls end up being evacuated to the country where they make lots of friends, and even have an adventure or two…..

A great display of my books in O'Mahony's bookshop, Limerick

A great display of my books in O’Mahony’s bookshop, Limerick


March 27, 2013 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

I’ve just heard that now all of my Alice and Megan books are available as e-books, and I have to confess that I have mixed feelings about the whole e-book thing.

I know that my e-books may well be sold in far-flung countries, where physical books might never reach, and that’s a good thing.

E-books don’t use valuable paper – another good thing.

I also struggle to fit physical books in my suitcase when I travel abroad. An electronic reader would solve that problem, which would also be a good thing.


Sculpture by David Kracov

Sculpture by David Kracov

Physical books are beautiful. You can hold them and smell them. You can put them on shelves where they look great. You can give and receive them as presents. (It’s hard to giftwrap and inscribe a download.) You can keep them forever. You can lend them to your friends. And best of all, you can keep reading during takeoff and landing!