Viva Alice

July 21, 2014 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

I love Eva and her friends in the Eva books. I also love Lauren and Tilly from the Friends Forever books.

Alice and Megan though – well they will always be special to me. They were the first young characters I wrote about, and they will always be close to my heart. When I re-read all the Alice and Megan books late last year, it was like revisiting old friends. When I started to write Viva Alice, I found that I couldn’t wait to get started every morning. I had missed my old buddies and wanted to continue their story.

Luckily when I sent off the manuscript, my publishers liked it as much as I did, and they quickly set the publishing wheels in motion.

Woody Fox made a great job of the illustrations as always, and the O’Brien Press team, did what they do so well, editing, designing covers and all the other stuff I don’t even understand. Anyway, now the hard work is done, and Viva Alice is ready to go out into the big bad world.

Coming to a bookshop near you on August 4th.


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