Summer in Kinsale

July 14, 2013 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat



I did an event in Kinsale Bookshop yesterday.  I confess that I was dreading it. I’ve visited before, and it was gorgeous, and welcoming, but I feared that this time, things were going to be very different. It’s the summer holidays, and in case you haven’t noticed, it’s been kind of sunny. Kinsale is surrounded by amazing beaches, and I managed to convince myself that NO-ONE was going to come to my event.

I shouldn’t have worried though. The amazing Mandy and Anne had done a brilliant job of promoting the event, and the shop was packed with young readers and their parents. I read a bit, and talked a bit, and answered heaps of great questions. Then I signed tons of books, and everyone (including me) set off for the beach.

A perfect day!

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