Book Festival Week Four

October 28, 2011 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat


This week, I had a few lovely close-to-home events in County Clare.

On Monday  I went to Killaloe and Scariff. Killaloe must have one of the most beautifully located libraries in the country. It’s right on the water, near Lough Derg.

The librarians in Killaloe were kind enough to say this about my visit:


On October 24th author Judi Curtin visited Killaloe library and spoke to 56 children from 3rd to 6th class from Killaloe Girls National School.


Judi read a short extract from one of her books, described how she came to be a writer and not a knitter/dressmaker, and answered questions about her career.


The majority of the pupils had read at least one of Judi’s books.  They were thrilled to speak to one of their favourite authors and asked lots of questions.  Judi was very approachable and interacted brilliantly with the girls.


A lot of the girls took out loan copies of Judi’s books when the book-reading was finished and also asked for her to autograph their own books.  They are all looking forward to reading her next book.

In Scariff, I was interviewed by a group of girls from Mountshannon NS.

The girls had some great questions, and if you’d like to hear the interview, you can hear it here:

Audio Player


On Tuesday, I went to Shannon and Newmarket on Fergus. The library staff in both venues gave me a great welcome. The classes who came to see me were wonderful, and they kept me going even when Book Festival exhaustion was setting in in a big way.

And that’s it. I’m sorry to say that Book Festival is over for another year. Thanks to everyone who helped to make my part in it so successful and enjoyable.

Keep watching, as next week I’ll be posting an overview of the festival.





















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