Visit to Eglantine NS
I had a lovely trip down memory lane when I visited my old school of Eglantine in Cork yesterday. The school looks completely different, as the building I was in was knocked down many years ago. I’m happy to say that the uniform hasn’t changed though – it’s just the same as when I was there, way back in 19??
I met all the girls from fourth and fifth classes – great readers and great for asking questions.
Hi to everyone, and big thanks to Mrs Garvey for arranging everything.
Hi Judi,
1You came to our school Eglantine, and it seemed that everyone really enjoyed listening to you (including myself because I have read all of the Alice and Megan series!) I can’t wait for more of your books to come out because you are one of my favourite authors! bye!
Thanks, Chloe. I really enjoyed my visit. It was lovely to meet you all. Judi