Visit to Eglantine NS

April 16, 2010 By: judicurtin Category: General Chat

I had a lovely trip down memory lane when I visited my old school of Eglantine in Cork yesterday. The school looks completely different, as the building I was in was knocked down many years ago. I’m happy to say that the uniform hasn’t changed though – it’s just the same as when I was there, way back in 19??

I met all the girls from fourth and fifth classes – great readers and great for asking questions.

Hi to everyone, and big thanks to Mrs Garvey for arranging everything.

2 Comments to “Visit to Eglantine NS”

  1. Hi Judi,
    You came to our school Eglantine, and it seemed that everyone really enjoyed listening to you (including myself because I have read all of the Alice and Megan series!) I can’t wait for more of your books to come out because you are one of my favourite authors! bye!

  2. Thanks, Chloe. I really enjoyed my visit. It was lovely to meet you all. Judi
